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Licens: <mediaLicense> Licens
Typ <itemType> Berättelse
Owner's personal experience <itemDescription>
  • In 1980 I was feeling frustrated and lost, and I started playing golf seven days a week. That saved my life and almost killed me: I had so many mixed feelings inside that I tried to keep under control by engaging myself very hard in my golf playing.
Owner's personal response <itemDescription>
  • Life might not be perfect, but you have to keep going and do something while you're waiting to get there you need to keep yourself busy.
    I came out in 1994 and since then i feel more complete.


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Samling <collection>
  • Unstraight
objectid <itemNumber>
Rättigheter för metadata <itemLicense> Licens
Källa <presOrganization> The Unstraight Museum
Källa <url>

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