The 200.000 km Hat


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Licens: <mediaLicense> Licens
Typ <itemType> Berättelse
Owner's personal experience <itemDescription>
  • My dearest and most enduring travel accessory ... travelling without is never an option!
Owner's personal response <itemDescription>
  • Bought in China Town, Sydney in 1998, this Australian Jacaru Bush hat has accompanied my travels around the world ever since. In total, this hat has travelled more than 200.000km in the last 17years t... Visa hela
The 200.000 km Hat
Samling <collection>
  • Unstraight
objectid <itemNumber>
Rättigheter för metadata <itemLicense> Licens
Källa <presOrganization> The Unstraight Museum
Källa <url>

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