CER annealing furnace


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Upphovsman: <presImageByline>Flygvapenmuseum
Upphovsrätt: <presImageCopyright> Flygvapenmuseum
Licens: <mediaLicense> Licens
Typ <itemType> Ljud
Datering <presTimeLabel> December 11 2014
Plats <presPlaceLabel> Slovenia
Beskrivning <itemDescription>
  • The sound of gas-fired burners heating the furnace to 700°C.
    When remelting is completed, an ingot is loaded in a furnace to be heated to 700°C and profile controlled so that it is prepared for further processing (forging or rolling).

    Metal Ravne is the legal successor to Železarna Ravne. The company's range includes a steel plant programme, which starts the production of all their rolled and for...

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Länkar <itemDescription>
  • YouTube (
Händelse <context>
  • Producerades i Metal Ravne d.o.o., Slovenia av Arbetets museum.
CER annealing furnace
Metal Ravne
Samling <collection>
  • Sounds of Changes
Id <itemNumber>
Rättigheter för metadata <itemLicense> Licens
Källa <presOrganization> Flygvapenmuseum
Källa <url>

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