Sculpture, Statuette, Figurine, Figur, Skulptur [?]


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Upphovsman: <presImageByline>Kaneberg, Ove
Upphovsrätt: <presImageCopyright> Statens museer för världskultur
Licens: <mediaLicense> Licens
Typ <itemType> Objekt/föremål
Datering <presTimeLabel> Style III:A., C.C. (475-325 BC)
Plats <presPlaceLabel> Europa, Cypern, Vouni
Description <itemDescription>
  • Female statuette standing on a small base. Right arm is stretched downwards with forearm free from body, its hand grasps a group of vertical folds of himation; bracelet around wrist. Left arm is bent, covered by a flap of himation which hangs over the forearm. The left hand carries in the folds of himation seven round fruits, probably apples. Pointed breasts, sloping shoulders, oval head. Hair par... Visa hela
Inventory number <itemDescription>
Acquisition <itemDescription>
Comments <itemDescription>
Condition <itemDescription>
  • Broken through neck and through forearm. Traces of fire on head.
Dimensions <itemDescription>
Exhibitions <itemDescription>
  • MMs permanent Cyprus Exhibition 1989-2005, showcase 13:06.
    - Travelling exhibition 2005-2007.
    - Object of the month, October 2007.

Publications <itemDescription>
  • - Karageorghis et al., 2003, no. 287.
    - Gaber, P, ‘The Limestone Sculpture from the Vouni Region’, MedMusBull 16, 1981, 44, fig 10-11.
    - SCE III, 260, 267, pl LXII:1-2.
    - MedMusM 2, 1977, 45, pl XXXVI...

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Context <itemDescription>
Utställning / ingår i <itemDescription>
Exhibition / Previously <itemDescription>
  • SCE On Tour, 2005-2007
Country / Findspot <itemDescription>
Exhibition, Part of / Current <itemDescription>
  • Cypern genom tiderna - Showcase 10:12.
Description, Swedish <itemDescription>
  • Figurin, kalksten, kvinna
Description, Swedish <itemDescription>
Referens, publicerad i <itemDescription>
  • Gaber-Saletan, Pamela (1981) "The Limestone Sculpture from the Vouni Region" in Medelhavsmuseet Bulletin no 16 (1981) p. 39-46.
Referens, publicerad i <itemDescription>
  • Karageorghis, Vassos, Styrenius, Carl-Gustaf & Winbladh, Marie-Louise (1977). Cypriote antiquities in the Medelhavsmuseet, Memoir 2
Referens, publicerad i <itemDescription>
  • Medelhavsmuseet (2003). The Cyprus collections in the Medelhavsmuseet
Referens, publicerad i <itemDescription>
  • Gjerstad, Einar (red.) (1937). The Swedish Cyprus expedition: finds and results of the excavation in Cyprus 1927-1931. Vol. 3
Händelse <context>
  • Brukad Style III:A..
  • Funnen i Vouni, Cypern, Europa.
Material, engelska<itemMaterial>
Nyckelord <itemKeyWord>
  • C.C. (475-325 BC)
  • Cyprus Gallery, 2009-
  • Style III:A.
  • Svenska Cypernexpeditionen
  • Swedish Cyprus Expedition (1927-1931)
  • Swedish Cyprus Expedition On Tour
  • Vouni - Swedish Cyprus Expedition (1927-1931)
Mått <itemMeasurement>
  • Height / Höjd: 17,8 cm.
Object, Swedish<itemName>
Skulptur [?]
Ämne <subject>
  • Kulturhistoria
Inventory number <itemNumber>
Rättigheter för metadata <itemLicense> Licens
Källa <presOrganization> Statens museer för världskultur - Medelhavsmuseet
Källa <url>

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